Studio Brunstrum

How to Curate the Perfect Art Collection

March 21, 2018

Curating a personal art collection is the best way to accessorize your home. Below are six tips to keep in mind when searching for the perfect pieces to build your own art collection.

Consider the emotion and atmosphere.

Choosing art for your home is more than just picking a color scheme or finding a painting that complements your drapes. Think about what mood and atmosphere you want to set in your space. If you’re choosing a piece for your home office or library, you’ll want something calming and serene, or that encourages creativity. If you’re buying artwork for a key entertaining area, pick something bolder and bigger that evokes passion and starts a conversation.

Presentation is everything.

The right framing and matting can make or break a piece of art. Don’t just settle for any old frame, take your new piece to a professional framer. And don’t just stick with whatever frame the piece came in. While the artist may have chosen that frame to complement their work, it’s important to find the right frame that fits in your space.

If it calls your name, get it.

If you feel totally drawn in by a piece of art and find yourself walking past it over and over, take it home with you! Even if you don’t think you have space for it, buy it and figure it out later. Good art should evoke strong emotions or memories, so if you’re that drawn to a piece, don’t pass it up.

Where to find art:

There are tons of great places to discover new artwork that speaks to you. Take time to explore galleries, art shows and fairs, exhibitions, conclaves and studios. Build relationships with artists and studio curators to learn about new pieces early.

Another great place to buy art is on your travels. It’s the perfect way to commemorate special occasions and take a bit of the culture home with you.

When buying art, always take a photo of yourself with the artist and the piece you bought, if the artist is available. Then save the photo with your receipt and place a copy on the back of the piece. This helps to verify authenticity, as well as providing a nice memento.

Don’t limit yourself.

Don’t think that you have to stick to one color scheme, artist, medium, or style. Choosing artwork that you truly love will serve you much better in the years to come, rather than choosing a few pieces just because they go together or because someone told you a particular artist is the next big thing.

And don’t forget, art isn’t just for your walls. Explore other mediums like sculpture, mixed media or fiber arts. Display pieces on shelves or pedestals or even free standing. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your collection.

Don’t rush it.

Curating a collection is something that should be layered and explored over years, not something you can accomplish in a weekend. Take your time, find pieces that really speak to you, and don’t rush into any decision. It’s better to have blank walls than to settle for boring, basic pieces that you can find anywhere.

It’s important to note that your art style may change over time. Something you loved at the age of 25 may feel completely foreign to you at the age of 50. Allow your collection to evolve as you go through the seasons of your life. If something feels stale, don’t keep it around just for old time’s sake. Find a piece that you love now to replace it!

Susan Brunstrum
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