Studio Brunstrum
OUtdoor Holiday plants

Holiday Decorating

December 17, 2018

Stressed about holiday decorating? Make it easy on yourself and know that it doesn't need to be perfect! Read Susan's theory on holiday decor below!

The good thing about downsizing my home is I have also downsized my holiday décor. When we lived in Libertyville, I had a Christmas Closet that held 46 boxes filled with holiday items. Everything from advent calendars to wreaths, multiple table-top trees of all sizes made from feathers, pinecones, sparkly twigs and berries, ornaments, stockings, oversized glass ornaments, ribbon, bows and the list goes on and on. Now I have 5 boxes for Christmas and I only used the items in 4 boxes! And guess what?  My home looks just as lovely. I prescribe to the Christmas rule of adding holiday décor in and among your existing furnishings and accessories. That way you layer in and do not “over-do”. And as far as holiday colors, red and green are not always the best. Look at the colors in your home before determining your holiday décor. I love white, silver, taupe, copper, brown and gold accents as they look good in any home.

Susan Brunstrum
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