Studio Brunstrum

Go-To Favorite Paint Colors

August 14, 2017

A big thank you to Chicago Woman for publishing our favorite go to neutral paint colors…. Try one on your walls, ceiling or cabinets, we promise you’ll like it!

A big thank you to Chicago Woman for publishing our favorite go to neutral paint colors…. Try one on your walls, ceiling or cabinets, we promise you’ll like it! And don’t you just love all the unusual names? London Fog (I drink this tea from Starbucks daily), Cake Batter (Yummy), Pashmina (Wrap me up in this), Cinder and Plaster of Paris… How do I become the official “namer” of paint colors? If the job is already taken, sign me up to be the official ”namer” for nail polish or perfume!

Photo Courtesy of Sweet Peas Design

Check out the article here.


Susan Brunstrum
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