Studio Brunstrum

Creating Inward Change for Outward Life Design with the Influential Entrepreneur

March 30, 2018

This past week I got the opportunity to chat with Mary Carol Fitzgerald for her wonderful free video interview series, The Influential Entrepreneur.

We discussed embracing and being open to change, trusting your instincts for decision making, nurturing your personal growth, aligning yourself with your business, and much more!

As I explained to Mary Carol, one of my main mantras in life comes from a book I used to read my children, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Helen Oxenbury. The repeated phrase “We can’t go over it. We can’t go under it. Oh no! We’ve got to go through it!” has become my metaphor for navigating life’s ups and downs – you just have to go through it.

I think it’s important to be open to change and to where your path takes you. Change is either proactive or reactive. Reactive change happens to you. Proactive change occurs because you see a need and cause it to happen. Proactive change allows you to control what’s next. Successful people and businesses are proactive and ever evolving.

It’s also important to work on aligning yourself and your goals with your business. Often in the beginning, it’s all about striving to discover and reach your goals. However, along the journey you realize you need to align yourself with your business. Figure out what you really want out of the business, and what your business needs from you so you can align yourself moving forward.

For more insight and advice, watch the video interview here, and be sure to check out the rest of the series as well! It’s all about finding that balance between personal life and business, and includes interviews with tons of inspiring entrepreneurs discussing their businesses and journeys.

Thanks so much for having me, Mary Carol!

Susan Brunstrum
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